Posts Tagged "psychological marketing"

5 offline Tricks that will boost your online sales

Have you ever visited a casino that actually had a clock hanging on the wall? Probably not. Have you ever wondered why the essential food in the supermarket is located in the very back, forcing you to walk all the way through the store? These are just two elementary offline tricks used to boost sales.…

conversion optimization: is the whole really greater than than the sum of its parts?

Did you notice anything unusual about the title of this post? Did you notice the word “THAN” repeats itself? If you didn’t, you’re not alone. Many people miss this repetition thanks to the law of experience – a principle in gestalt psychology that suggests that people use prior knowledge in order to understand certain elements,…

The Emotional Marketing Trick that Never Fails

A while back we discussed “Anchoring” the emotional trigger used by Steve Jobs, that increases conversion rates time after time and helped sell millions of iPads. Similar to Anchoring, there are many other psychological triggers that affect our decision making process we aren’t aware of. The one we’ll discuss today is Loss Aversion, “discovered” by…

How To Lose $3 Billion & Feel Good About It

In one of my recent posts I discussed the fact that 90% of our decision-making in life is irrational and that marketers could use this fact to benefit their marketing efforts. Why am I telling you all this again? Because Evan Spiegel (Snapchat’s CEO) just acted as a live case study to prove it. 23…