Oct 10, 2013

Facebook pages are a great tool to get an action from our customers, whether it’s getting them to share content, comment on posts or even purchase it can be done beautifully and actually work. Use these 5 simple tips to get your facebook posts converting from now on:

#1 Call To Action

EVERY post should have a call to action. Make sure it’s clear, dominant and visible.

  • Not so good example: ICQ misses out on chance to send people to their site for an “ICQ secret”, instead it gives us insignificant information with no call to action.

ICQ facebook post

  • Cool example: Obama, king of social media starts 90% of his posts with a call to action, clear and easy: Share this.

Screen Shot 2013-10-10 at 10.52.33 AM

#2 Use An Image

Look at your feed, it’s a mess. Hundreds of people and pages are trying to get your attention and they’re all fighting in the same space. Images will make your posts stand out.

  • Not so good example: No image preview and no video preview. How will they stand out in the crowd?

Skype facebook post

  • Cool example: My favorite page of all times! If you check out their page you’ll notice how most their post are highlighted and all images. Fantastic work.

Fanta facebook post

#3 Shorten Your Posts

Think twitter. Yes I did just say that. If Millions of people around the world can use 140 characters to explain themselves accurately, so can you. Just because you have endless space, doesn’t mean you need to use it. Be short, accurate and don’t waste your potential customer’s time.

  • Not so good example: Seems like BBC has decided to write the entire article in their post and somehow still thinks you’ll want to click on the link to read more…

BBC FB post

  • Cool example: Short, to the point and makes me want to click and find out more.

FB post

#4 Change Your Links Description

When uploading a link to your post, read the description and then change it. Add a call to action and tell people to click, read, and watch your content.

Not so good example: Getting people to read your blog posts isn’t an easy task. Dropbox: Even if you skip the long post, the link itself doesn’t seem interesting enough to click on.

dropbox fb post

Nice example: Herbal essence changes their link description to get excited about their new experience.

Herbal Essence FB

#5 Be Personal

Last week I got an email from some CEO inviting me to her conference. The problem? She wrote to me in plural, she signed it off with her company name and not her own and she had no idea who I was. The biggest problem? She was inviting me to a conference about “Personalized marketing”, but that’s a whole other story.

Being personal is KEY to getting people to communicate with you. Know your fans, study who they are and be personal.

Awesome example: Skittles of course

Skittles fb post

Your social media profiles are an expensive and important real-estate, treat them as such and use them to get more than just “likes”.



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Talia helps businesses build and execute their conversion optimization strategies, using emotional targeting, consumer psychology and behavioral data to generate more revenues, leads, engagement and sales . Tweet to her at @taliagw
  • Rotem

    Thanks, great article :) I also suggest posting at evening times!