Posts Tagged "UX"

conversion optimization: is the whole really greater than than the sum of its parts?

Did you notice anything unusual about the title of this post? Did you notice the word “THAN” repeats itself? If you didn’t, you’re not alone. Many people miss this repetition thanks to the law of experience – a principle in gestalt psychology that suggests that people use prior knowledge in order to understand certain elements,…

How and Where to Start Optimizing to Increase Your Conversion

Choosing the right place to start your optimization process is a super important decision. With so many conversion strategies and methods out there it’s hard to know where to start and how. Where to start: It is customary to divide the user flow into Upper funnel (i.e banners, landing pages, lead generation) and lower funnel…

11 steps for creating the best converting registration forms

Statistics on registration forms are pretty grim: 86% (!) of users leave a page instantly when they’re required to fill out a form. Thanks to hundreds of lead generation/signups tests we’ve done in the past 4 years, we’ve come up with various tips and tricks that can help reduce abandonment rate significantly and improve the…