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15 Landing Page Examples and What You Can Learn From Them

Most  marketers spend the majority of their time and budget on driving users to their sites and landing pages, but very little thought is given to the experience the users have once they reach there. In fact, companies typically spend $92 to bring customers to their site, but only $1 to convert them (Eisenberg Holdings).…

How to Increase Conversions Using Color Psychology

Colors can have a tremendous impact on a consumer’s decision to purchase. With today’s 3 seconds to convince visitors to convert kind of world, it’s important to use colors, images and messaging the best way we can. As our brains process images 60,000 times quicker than text, color can have a huge impact on your…

10 Psychological Triggers To Boost Revenues

Humans are emotional creatures.  Our emotions drive our purchasing decisions, which is why the majority of our posts focus on the fact that effective marketing makes us feel rather than think. The first impression a visitor receives from a landing page has huge consequences on the purchasing habits of our customers. If we manage to…

Getting Started with Landing Page Optimisation

  Your website’s landing page is the first page a potential customer sees when they get to your website – it’s like being introduced to someone for the first time. First impressions count. If your website makes a bad first impression (we’ve all met people who have wet fish handshakes, intolerably bad breath or greet…

Google Analytics Guide: Where to Start and What to Track

Setting up a website without proper tracking is the equivalent of being lost in the woods without knowing you’re in the woods.  If we do not know where we stand how can we get to where we want to go? The following Google analytics guide will serve as a roadmap to avoiding common mistakes, ensure…

A Beginner’s Guide to Understanding UX Design

If you are thinking of working on your conversion optimization and landing page optimization, understanding UX design is essential. As you know, we write a lot about the user, the single visitor that arrives on your site or landing page and needs to be triggered and helped around. UX design helps make sure that during…

How to Use Psychology in Landing Page Design

Decisions, decisions, decisions!  Every day we are faced with a constant series of decisions.  Whether it is deciding to eat that piece of cake, or make a career change, the decisions we make shape our lives and who we are. We like to think that all of our decisions are rational and that we are…

Boost ecommerce conversion rate: 30 Best Practices and Tips

Designing a checkout process for an ecommerce store is a huge challenge. Here’s some numbers you should know: In 2014, 1.12 billion people worldwide are expected to buy goods & services online –  tweet this By end of 2013, the average abandonment rate was 67.9% – tweet this Current ecommerce conversion rate statistics show that…