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Unlocking Pricing Page Success: The Decoy Effect

In previous posts we discussed several cognitive biases you should know and use to increase conversion. Further more, understanding cognitive biases gives us a better understanding of our audience and what it is looking for.   What are cognitive biases? Our brain is an amazing tool that is far more powerful than any computer currently…

Are your A/B test Results Correct?

In past posts we’ve spoken about the importance of waiting and receiving significant results. That’s why we built this tool, to help you interpret your A/B test results in a simple way. Analyzing the data at the right time and giving your test the right amount of time to run can be the difference between a…

Your next crucial step for CRO: Emotional Targeting

These days, the online world is progressing towards an automatic one – commonly referred to as personalization. Segmenting traffic according to browser information, time on site, geographical location, age and other behavioral data that allows the more advanced companies to personalize their shopping experience and user journeys. For instance: a site can detect a visitor…

Why we date stamp posts (and why you should too)

Blog posts on Conversioner are date stamped for a reason. Date stamping is an easy way for you to judge the newness and relevancy of our posts in the rapidly changing world of optimization.  So why would you not want to date stamp your posts? Well there is a lot of debate amongst bloggers about…

5 Fatal AB Test Mistakes You Must Avoid

Running an AB test correctly is extremely important. Each change you make can alter the results drastically and have an impact on your data analysis and completely change your next steps. A live example: Last year I decided to run an “AB test” and see what cats prefer: sitting in a plate or a box.…

Increase your revenue by applying 1 psychological trigger

A typical conversation I have with clients on a weekly basis: Me: “These are your landing pages (checkout pages or pricing pages or mobile pages etc.), the emotional triggers we used are…” Client: “Hold on, where are all our features? Why don’t you have all our propositions and options showing? How will the customer know…

6 Emotional Steps that Increased Ecommerce Revenues in 30 days

Fact: In 2013, 50% of potential customers online abandoned the checkout page without completing their purchase. (tweet this) (more facts) The bottom line: In less than 1 month, a top fashion ecommerce site increased its revenues by 86% and their average revenue per visit by 117%. What: Conversioner teamed up with one of the top…

The irrational behavior that Increases conversion Instantly

Our decisions in life are irrational. Bold statement to make, and hard on most people to accept, but it’s true. Half the time we have no idea what we want, and when we do it’s mostly to do with our surrounding environment and different cognitive biases. If you’ve been following the blog you’ll know we…