Posts Tagged "emotional targeting"

Unlocking Pricing Page Success: The Decoy Effect

In previous posts we discussed several cognitive biases you should know and use to increase conversion. Further more, understanding cognitive biases gives us a better understanding of our audience and what it is looking for.   What are cognitive biases? Our brain is an amazing tool that is far more powerful than any computer currently…

Your next crucial step for CRO: Emotional Targeting

These days, the online world is progressing towards an automatic one – commonly referred to as personalization. Segmenting traffic according to browser information, time on site, geographical location, age and other behavioral data that allows the more advanced companies to personalize their shopping experience and user journeys. For instance: a site can detect a visitor…

The irrational behavior that Increases conversion Instantly

Our decisions in life are irrational. Bold statement to make, and hard on most people to accept, but it’s true. Half the time we have no idea what we want, and when we do it’s mostly to do with our surrounding environment and different cognitive biases. If you’ve been following the blog you’ll know we…

Simple Neuromarketing Hacks That Increased Revenue by 65% In The First Round

We’ve just finished our first round of tests with one of our new partners & have interesting results that can help in your next optimization test. The product enables customers to design & personalize their own invitations, greeting cards, slideshows and more. As a photo service, they allow  to quickly turn life’s moments into magical…

1981 LEGO ad will show you how emotional targeting is really done

Showing up on reddit during the weekend, this LEGO Ad From 1981 demonstrates real emotional marketing that we can all learn from. The ad doesn’t focus on the fact the child is a girl, the purpose of the creation or why they should build with LEGO. The ad focuses on what every child feels: “What…

The Emotional Marketing Trick that Never Fails

A while back we discussed “Anchoring” the emotional trigger used by Steve Jobs, that increases conversion rates time after time and helped sell millions of iPads. Similar to Anchoring, there are many other psychological triggers that affect our decision making process we aren’t aware of. The one we’ll discuss today is Loss Aversion, “discovered” by…

How To Lose $3 Billion & Feel Good About It

In one of my recent posts I discussed the fact that 90% of our decision-making in life is irrational and that marketers could use this fact to benefit their marketing efforts. Why am I telling you all this again? Because Evan Spiegel (Snapchat’s CEO) just acted as a live case study to prove it. 23…

How and Where to Start Optimizing to Increase Your Conversion

Choosing the right place to start your optimization process is a super important decision. With so many conversion strategies and methods out there it’s hard to know where to start and how. Where to start: It is customary to divide the user flow into Upper funnel (i.e banners, landing pages, lead generation) and lower funnel…